EV Engineering News

Yokogawa Test & Measurement releases WT1800R series power analyzer

Japanese firm Yokogawa Test & Measurement has released its WT1800R series high-performance power analyzer to boost the efficiency of complex power measurements for applications including EV powertrains, actuators, inverters and converters.

The WT1800R power analyzer is designed to combine measurement results with waveform-capturing instruments through the IS8000 software. Engineers can perform field-oriented control measurements such as VD/VQ and ID/IQ and store the measurement data directly to a network drive.

Simultaneous 16-bit measurements on up to 6 input channels at 2 MS/s, a range of display and analysis features through an enhanced display and PC connectivity make the WT1800R suitable for a broad range of power efficiency and harmonic analysis requirements.

Applications include analyzing multiphase inputs during motor and drive design and meeting the stringent efficiency standards of photovoltaic inverters.

The WT1800R guarantees a power accuracy of 0.05% of reading plus 0.05% of range and is capable of harmonics analysis up to the 500th order of a 50/60 Hz fundamental frequency, according to the company.

Its basic AC measurement accuracy is guaranteed between 1% to 110% of the selected voltage and current range, which equates to voltages from 15 mV to 1100 Vrms and currents from 0.1 mA to 5.5 Arms for a 5 A input element and 10 mA to 55 Arms for a 50 A input element. The unit maintains accuracy during large phase shifts and high frequencies from the low power factor error of ±0.07% of apparent power.

Source: Yokogawa Test & Measurement

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