EV Engineering News

ITECH adds new DC electronic load series

Taiwanese firm ITECH Electronic has developed a new series of high-speed, high-power DC electronic loads that provides a high level of power support, fast current dynamic response and low-voltage load carrying capability.

The IT8900G/L series has an ultra-low on-resistance and two operating ranges. It supports three voltage ranges of 150 V, 600 V and 1,200 V. The power of a single unit ranges from 2 kW to 54 kW and supports master-slave parallel connection, expandable up to 600 kW. This expandability and the availability of up to eight operating modes make it suited to the testing needs of EVs and renewable energy installations, as well as complex testing scenarios such as automotive electronics, motor drives, battery management systems and power devices.

The 150 V model has an internal resistance of about 0.7m Ω. The lowest single-unit on-load voltage is < 0.1 V for 60 A input at the low range and 0.75 V for 600 A. It is particularly suitable for testing fuel cells, supercapacitors, solar cells, DC-DC converters and other low-voltage, high-current electronic devices.

The series electronic load features dynamic modes up to 30 kHz. The all-in-one internal structure improves loop response and stability. The current rise/fall speed of the devices is 3-4 times higher than the company’s predecessor models, enabling users to capture the slightest fluctuations in real time when dealing with complex load changes. The low-inductance test line reduces electromagnetic interference during rapid current changes and ensures efficient and accurate signal transmission. The devices can test the transient response of switching power supplies, as well as the instantaneous high-current tolerance of DC-DC converters and batteries.

Source: ITECH Electronic

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