Power capacitor technologies affect every vehicle and charger in the electromobility industry.
Join this session at the Charged Virtual Conference on EV Engineering, presented by TDK Electronics, where we will discuss the latest breakthrough technologies in film, aluminum and ceramic capacitors solutions and show real-world case studies for power capacitor use in on- and off-board chargers, traction converters, DC/DC conversion, and EMI and Power Filtering. We will discuss miniaturization, thermal management, and solutions to common problems, including special mechanical designs and improvements in reliability.
Other sessions at our Fall Virtual Conference include:
Power HIL Solutions for Power Electronics Testing

Electric powertrains and inverters are safety-critical components (ISO 26262) that require comprehensive, automated testing at the power level. These inverters can be tested without a real motor at full power using dSPACE Power Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) systems. Our Power HIL systems combine the flexibility of established HIL systems and real energy flow of mechanical test benches.
Join this session to find out what advantages you can derive from a model-based simulation approach that allows motor parameter variation with the click of a mouse and outstanding emulation precision through our patented control approach.
Register here to learn more—it’s free!
See the full sessions list for the Fall Virtual Conference on EV Engineering here.
Broadcast live October 18 – 21, 2021, the conference content will span the EV engineering supply chain and ecosystem including motor and power electronics design and manufacturing, cell development, battery systems, testing, powertrains, thermal management, circuit protection, wire and cable, EMI/EMC and more.