EV Engineering News

Benevelli launches SMAC Series 270 line of IPM electric motors

Powertrain company Benevelli has introduced a new line of IPM electric motors called the SMAC Series 270, which is intended for the EV and off-highway vehicle markets. The range of motors is designed for high-performance traction, power generation, electro-hydraulic systems and specialized high-power applications.

Each of the air- and liquid-cooled motors features a stator 270 mm in diameter, and boasts a protection grade of up to IP6K9K. Power options from 30 to 200 kW, voltages from 48 to 800 V, four different motor lengths and 24 different winding configurations are available.

Benevelli says its Class F thermal-rated motors are prepared for the harshest conditions because the winding of the stator has double electrical insulation composed of insulating paint and an epoxy resin.

“We take tremendous pride that our solution is one of the most efficient and powerful systems ever to be developed for off-highway machines,” says Benevelli CCO Alessandro Benevelli.

Source: Benevelli


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