ClipperCreek’s ProMountDuo offers dual charging on a single pedestal

ClipperCreek's ProMountDuo Universal Pedestal with HCS-40 in use

ClipperCreek has a solution for just about every charging situation, including some you may never have thought about. Its new ProMountDuo, aimed at the fleet and commercial markets, can provide single or dual Level 1 or Level 2 charging, making it possible to charge two vehicles from one post.

The ProMountDuo supports two stations and two 120 V outlets per pedestal (sold separately), and is compatible with ClipperCreek’s ACS, HCS, and LCS product lines. It features an integrated cable wrap and low-profile connector holsters.

The American-made ProMountDuo is priced at $434, and can be paired with a ClipperCreek ACS-15, ACS-20 or LCS-20 for $813; an ACS-25 or LCS-25 for $903; or an HCS-40 for $999. No additional mounting kit is necessary for the second charger.

“Once the customer has invested in the installation of the pedestal for one station, adding the second station will be very cost-effective,” said ClipperCreek Sales Manager Will Barrett. “Many businesses choose to have a mix of lower and higher power charging stations to match vehicle needs and maximize the number of charging spaces available while staying within their electrical infrastructure limitations.”

“At this time, the ProMountDuo can be paired with any combination of 10 different ClipperCreek charging stations, ranging from 120 V to 240 V charging at 12 to 48 amps, suitable for workplace, tenant, and fleet charging,” said President and founder Jason France.

ClipperCreek ProMountDuo Universal Pedestal


Source: ClipperCreek

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