EV Engineering News

Proterra electric shuttle buses to serve Baltimore Gas and Electric corporate campus


Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE), a subsidiary of Exelon Corporation (NYSE: EXC), will deploy two 40-foot Proterra Catalyst E2 buses to shuttle employees between two facilities in Baltimore.

Proterra’s 40-foot Catalyst E2 delivers 22 MPGe, quite an improvement over the average diesel bus’s 3.86 MPG. The two new shuttles are expected to save over 11,000 gallons of fuel and eliminate more than 480,000 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions annually.

The e-buses will use CCS plug-in DC fast chargers, enabling interoperability with other vehicle types, including passenger cars and trucks.

The procurement was funded in part by $20,000-per bus vouchers provided by the Maryland Freedom Fleet Voucher Program. These are the first e-buses funded under the state program.

This heavy-duty electric shuttle program will inform future BGE decisions on EV fleet integration, interoperable charging infrastructure and EV rate design, ultimately supporting a statewide electrification strategy.


Source: Proterra


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