EV Engineering News

Continental launches new sensor systems for EV battery protection

Parts supplier Continental will offer two new sensor systems for protecting EV batteries.

The Current Sensor Module (CSM) is designed to protect batteries from over-currents by monitoring current and temperature. The ASIL D-compliant module also assists in calculating range by monitoring the current consumed and aids in finding mechanical malfunctions.

The company says, “To support strict functional safety requirements, the CSM is available as a two-channel sensor, measuring current independently by integrating shunt technology and hall technology in a compact, single unit.” It provides data to the BMS through a CAN interface.

The CSM can be integrated into a battery disconnect unit or a battery and can be calibrated up to 2,000 A.

Production of the CSM is set to begin within 2022.

The Battery Impact Detection (BID) sensor system identifies both low-speed ground impacts and high-speed intrusions affecting the battery through Pedestrian Protection System pressure sensors and air-filled silicone tubes in the bottom of the battery compartment. The system then alerts the driver. Continental says, “The time difference between the signal’s arrival at the two pressure satellites at both ends of the tube makes it possible to calculate the area of the impact.”

“In addition, the BID identifies the area of the damage, so the battery management [system] can empty the cells in that area to prevent any risk of fire,” said Managing Director of Continental Safety Engineering International Johannes Clemm.

Continental says, “In comparison to current metal underfloor protection, the BID solution can save up to 50 percent of weight.”

Source: Continental

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