Any property that runs multiple charging stations – a fleet operator, a multi-unit dwelling, or a business offering workplace charging – soon finds that it needs a software management system to optimize usage of its electrical service, and to avoid utility demand charges.
The new Electric Vehicle Master Controller (EVMC) from Cyber Switching Solutions is designed to meet these needs. The company has successfully concluded product development and testing and is now launching the initial phase of the EVMC rollout. Several companies are already planning to install the EVMC, either to upgrade their existing charging infrastructure or to set up new charging stations on their company campuses.
“The future of the EV is here, and the imminent danger of an impacted electrical grid is very real; dynamic and progressive solutions need to be set in place now,” said Ron Silorio, Chief Technical Officer at Cyber Switching.
“Managing electric bills will become critical. Utility peak usage charges continue to rise exponentially as increased charging demand is placed on the grid,” added Executive VP Frank Podesta. “People don’t realize that these demand charges are often 20 times the base rate.”
Cyber Switching’s system switches power to multiple charging stations in a “round-robin” scenario, so that a single electrical line can feed multiple charging stations, with power incrementally rotating on a timed as well as a charging status basis to each vehicle. The EVMC shuts power off when premium charges begin.
Porperties using the EVMC need fewer individual circuits, which means less conduit, less wiring and lower construction costs. According to Cyber Switching, the savings on infrastructure costs alone can be as high as 50%.
Source: Cyber Switching Solutions