Beam Global delivers 23 EV ARC charging systems to national labs

San Diego-based Beam Global makes a portable, grid-independent charging station called the EV ARC. This handy gadget is an off-grid solar-powered EV charger with on-board energy storage that can be transported on a trailer and deployed “in minutes,” with no trenching or electrical work required.

Beam says it has sold its EV ARCs to more than 100 US municipalities. Now the company has delivered 23 systems to federal R&D centers.

EV ARC products have been deployed at five DOE National Laboratories, including Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque and Livermore, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and Idaho National Laboratory.

“The US Federal Government has the largest fleet in the world,” said Beam Global CEO Desmond Wheatley. “Our solar-powered off-grid EV ARC systems are the fastest-deployed permanent yet transportable EV charging solution on the market, and they deliver a layer of resiliency that you can’t get from the centralized grid.”

Source: Beam Global

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