Walmart, FedEx place large orders for electric delivery vans from GM’s BrightDrop

GM subsidiary BrightDrop has added Walmart to its roster of customers, and expanded its relationship with FedEx.

Walmart has reserved 5,000 of BrightDrop’s EV600 and smaller EV410 electric delivery vans to support the retail giant’s growing last-mile delivery network. Walmart plans to use BrightDrop electric vans as part of its rapidly expanding InHome delivery service, and its new GoLocal white-label delivery-as-a-service business. BrightDrop’s electric vans may begin hitting the road for Walmart deliveries in 2023.

FedEx has reserved priority production for 2,000 electric delivery vans over the next few years, adding to its initial reservation of 500 BrightDrop EVs that was announced last year. FedEx is also working on a plan to add up to 20,000 more in the years to follow, and plans to expand its testing of BrightDrop’s EP1 electrified container.

BrightDrop’s first EV600 electric light commercial vehicles were delivered to FedEx last month. The EV600, built on GM’s Ultium platform, was conceived just 20 months prior to initial deliveries, making it the fastest vehicle to market in GM’s history. The new EV410 will be available in late 2023.

“BrightDrop’s mission is to decarbonize the world’s deliveries. We leverage the best of two worlds—the innovation, agility, and focus of a technology startup with the engineering and manufacturing might of General Motors,” said BrightDrop CEO Travis Katz.

Source: BrightDrop


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