Energy 376 Corridor to include 45 public chargers in greater Pittsburgh area

As Pennsylvania electric utility CONSOL Energy unveiled an EV charging station at the company’s headquarters in Canonsburg, PA, it added a touch of 4th-of-July American showmanship, billing the event as the “Declaration of Energy Independence.”

The Eaton Level II charging station is one of 45 units that will be installed in the greater Pittsburgh area as part of the Energy 376 Corridor, a project that was made possible by a Pittsburgh Region Clean Cities (PRCC) grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and a private investor.

“The Pittsburgh Region Clean Cities Coalition has presently installed over 35 Level II electric vehicle charging stations including the one at CONSOL Energy’s headquarters,” said Rick Price, executive director, PRCC. “Clean Cities sees the EV/PHEV/Hybrid market as a viable way to reduce the amount of petroleum-based fuels we use and help the nation become energy independent.”

CONSOL Energy has also purchased a Chevrolet Volt. GM Fleet Account Executive Jeff Tomlin was on hand for the unveiling, and commented, “Large fleets tend to be early adopters of newer technology and provide an opportunity to test our vehicles’ applicability and durability in their field use and gather valuable feedback. CONSOL Energy’s installation of a Level 2 charging station and the piloting of a Volt as part of their fleet is a demonstration of their strong commitment to their sustainability efforts and a shared vision of the future of transportation.”


Source: CONSOL Energy

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