EV Engineering News

Eaton’s new Bussmann series EV fuses


Power management giant Eaton has introduced its new Bussmann series EV fuses, which are specifically designed to protect sensitive electric and hybrid automotive equipment, including high-capacity batteries, power conversion equipment, contactors, cabling and other auxiliary circuits.

With protection as low as 135% of rated current, Bussmann series EV fuses can protect a wide range of overcurrent conditions while avoiding nuisance operations associated with cycling fatigue. The fuses are engineered with a 20 kA interrupting rating.

According to Eaton, the fuse design requires up to 48% less space and weighs up to 50% less compared with traditional high-speed fuses used for EVs.

The fusible solutions are available in three bolt-on case sizes to protect systems up to 500 Vdc in ratings from 50 to 400 amps. Compact 10×38 mm fuses are also available to protect auxiliary electrical systems up to 500 Vdc in ratings that span 5 to 50 amps and feature four termination styles.

For EV circuit protection requirements above 500 volts, Eaton can design specific solutions – fuses with ratings over 1,000 Vdc and 1,000 amps are available, and can be designed to meet unique requirements, including shock and vibration, mounting requirements, high temperature performance or other parameters.

“With electric and hybrid vehicle applications, electrical systems are often pushed to their limits,” said Product Manager Kevin Calzada. “We’ve leveraged more than 100 years of technical experience to deliver the reliable, predictable protection that tomorrow’s electric vehicles demand.”


Source: Eaton

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