AMPECO partners with Electric Miles to provide grid services in the UK

AMPECO says its recently announced partnership with Electric Miles will enable its UK-based charge point operators (CPOs) to leverage EV charging assets and participate in demand flexibility, helping to balance the electricity grid and reduce the use of costly and polluting forms of energy generation.

The declining costs of renewables and energy storage have hastened the adoption of distributed energy resources, making demand-side flexibility the go-to solution to strengthen grids rather than traditional large network infrastructure projects. Smaller-sized assets such as EV batteries, heat pumps and solar units are increasingly able to participate in energy flexibility.

According to AMPECO, charge point operators using its platform will connect EVs to the grid and control when EV charging occurs, thanks to the platform’s smart charging technology that enables charging to be shifted to off-peak periods. Smart chargers can be aggregated into virtual power plants, allowing EV charging to be coordinated and optimized along with other distributed energy resources to provide grid services and improve grid reliability.

Electric Miles CEO Arun Anand said, “We see our partnership as an opportunity to leverage economies of scale for decarbonization that is not achievable by individual CPOs. Our vision is that the DSF data will enable us to bring a new flexibility API to enhance the smart charging algorithms of all CPOs.”

Source: AMPECO

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