TT Electronics has launched a new series of SMT miniature power inductors targeted at automotive applications. The HM73E-10 line of inductors is aimed at high-efficiency DC-DC applications where size is critical.
RoHS compliant and AEC-Q200 certified, the new inductors are suited for use in hybrid and electric powertrains and start-stop systems.
The new components are designed to maximize inductance value and high saturation current. They feature lower DC resistance and improved temperature rise performance compared to their predecessors.
Six models are currently available, with current ratings from 15 to 65 A. They can operate over a temperature range of -50 to 155° C. At 100 kHz, inductance ratings range from 3.76 uH for the smallest inductor to 0.19 uH for the largest, 65-amp rated unit. All models have a footprint of 11.5 x 10.6 mm, and a height of 5.9 mm.
Source: TT Electronics