EV Engineering News

Infineon’s 650 V CoolSiC Hybrid Discrete supports bidirectional charging

Infineon‘s new 650 V CoolSiC Hybrid Discrete for Automotive contains a 50 A TRENCHSTOP 5 fast-switching IGBT and a CoolSiC Schottky diode. The combination supports bidirectional charging, making it suitable for fast-switching automotive applications such as onboard chargers, power factor correction, and DC-DC or DC-AC converters.

Infineon says the integrated fast-switching 50 A IGBT enables MOSFET-like turn-off behavior that outperforms pure silicon solutions, achieving 95 to 97 percent system efficiency at a lower cost level, while the CoolSiC Schottky diode supports reduced turn-on and recovery losses. 

“The CoolSiC Hybrid Discrete allows us to simplify driver design, accelerate product development, lower costs and increase system robustness,” said Xu Jinzhu, R&D Director of VMAX, an onboard charger manufacturer that employs the device. “The integrated silicon carbide diodes without reverse recovery charge further optimize the EMC characteristics of the system. This results in greater performance benefits and a better price/performance ratio in topologies such as totem-pole PFC and DAB.”

Source: Infineon

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