EV Engineering News

DOE offers funding for projects that increase deployment of alternative-fuel vehicles


The DOE intends to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement (DE-FOA-0001097) entitled “Alternative Fuel and Advanced Vehicle Deployment Initiatives.” The estimated $4.5 million in funding will go to projects that increase the acceptance and deployment of alternative-fuel vehicles (including EVs).

Areas of interest include:

  • Vehicle demonstration and enhanced driver experience projects. The intent of this area of interest is to combine a targeted vehicle demonstration project with a driver/fleet education experience to allow users to experience alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) for an extended period of time, gather vehicle use data, and analyze the benefits of using AFVs. Projects may include ride-share and car-share programs; rental car programs; commercial truck/bus leasing programs; and activities that include driver feedback devices, data gathering, and analysis.
  • Training for first responders, public safety officials, and critical service providers. This includes training for technicians and service personnel that will be operating and maintaining AFVs, and the associated recharging infrastructure and service facilities, as well as tow-truck operators and automotive salvage/recycling operators. Projects may include safety and technical training; service training and/or certification for service technicians, inspectors, and equipment operators; curriculum development and resources for community colleges, technical schools, etc.
  • Incorporating alternative fuels into emergency response and preparedness operations. Applications under this area of interest will include collaboration and participation with state and local governments to incorporate the use of alternative fuel vehicles, and alternative fuel infrastructure across multiple city, state, and regional emergency management and response entities.


Source: Green Car Congress

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