EV Engineering News

Bitrode introduces new high-voltage battery pack testing system

Bitrode, which manufacturers equipment for the charging and testing of batteries, has added a new high-voltage battery testing system to its line of FTF High Power Packing and Testing systems.

The new FTF-HV high voltage test system can handle 1,500 volts and 600 amps per channel and boasts a max power capability of 450 kW. The system features two circuits, but can handle four, thereby bumping up the max current to 1,200 amps and max power to 900 kW.

A regenerative system fully powers the units, which are 92% efficient and have a 0.05% current accuracy. The systems boast a 30 ms rise time (10% to 90%) with zero overshoot for accurate lab battery testing.

Bitrode designed the system to test batteries within EVs, UPSs, and generators. It can perform battery cycle testing for hybrid and electric vehicle systems, vehicle drivetrain testing, and testing with bi-directional DC power supply. A battery simulation mode (BattSim) allows users to perform electric motor testing and specify voltage, internal resistance, and maximum power.

Source: Bitrode


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