EV Engineering News

UK offers £24 million in funding for low-emission freight and logistics vehicle trials

Nicolas Raymond UK Flag

The UK’s Office for Low Emission Vehicles has launched a new £24-million funding competition to enable industry-led research trials and development of innovative vehicles and related technology for the freight, logistics, utilities and emergency industries.

The competition consists of two streams. Stream 1 will fund real-world trials of vehicles and on-vehicle technology, supporting small trial fleets of low-emission vehicles and their refueling/charging infrastructure. These projects are expected to range in value from £500,000 to £5 million and last between 18 months and 2 years, with vehicle trials of at least one year.

Stream 2 will fund projects to develop innovative on-vehicle technology, systems or business models that reduce emissions.  These projects are expected to last no more than a year and range in cost from £250,000 to £5 million.

Both streams of the competition must be collaborative, and a business must lead the project.

The deadline for registering for either stream is 12 October 2016.

For help in submitting applications, interested parties can view KTN’s guidebook for Innovate UK Competition Applicants or the Innovate UK briefing webcast.


Source: Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership
Image by Nicolas Raymond

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