EV Engineering News

Nexperia to invest $200 million at its semiconductor factory in Germany

Dutch semiconductor manufacturer Nexperia plans to invest $200 million to develop the next generation of wide bandgap (WBG) silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) semiconductors and to build production infrastructure at its facility in Hamburg, Germany. Wafer fab capacity for silicon (Si) diodes and transistors will also be increased.

SiC and GaN semiconductors enable energy-intensive applications like data centers to operate efficiently and are key components for applications in renewable energy and electromobility, says Nexperia. To meet the growing long-term demand, production of high-voltage GaN D-Mode transistors and SiC diodes started in June 2024, and plans call for new production lines for SiC MOSFETs and GaN HEMTs. Automation of the existing infrastructure and increased silicon production capacity by converting to 200 mm wafers will be followed by expansion of the clean room areas and construction of R&D labs.

“SiC and GaN are by no means new territory for Nexperia,” said Stefan Tilger, CFO and Managing Director at Nexperia Germany. “GaN FETs have been part of our portfolio since 2019, and in 2023 we expanded our range of products to include SiC diodes and SiC MOSFETs, the latter in collaboration with Mitsubishi Electric.”

Source: Nexperia

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