EV Engineering News

ANSI releases “standardization roadmap” for US EV deployment

Some 80 companies and government agencies contributed to the report, including many of the major automakers, parts suppliers, electrical equipment manufacturers and electric utilities.


The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) announced this week that its Electric Vehicles Standards Panel (EVSP) has released a Standardization Roadmap for Electric Vehicles, which assesses the standards, codes, and regulations needed to facilitate the mass deployment of EVs and charging infrastructure in the US.

Some of the issues addressed in this detailed and highly technical document are familiar to Charged readers, such as the J1772 standards for EV charging connectors, and the development of procedures for emergency personnel to deal with crashes involving EVs. Other sections are so arcane that even an engineer might find them useful tools against insomnia. But all this stuff is important to making EVs capable, safe and affordable. The roadmap identifies gaps in current standards and makes recommendations to make things fit together more smoothly.

Some 80 companies and government agencies contributed to the report, including many of the major automakers, parts suppliers, electrical equipment manufacturers and electric utilities.

“The roadmap delivers on its promise to pave a smoother road to the large-scale rollout of electric vehicle technology. And from the economic and environmental points of view, the timing couldn’t be better,” said EVSP co-chair Jim Matthews. “EVs offer the potential to significantly reduce our nation’s dependence on imported oil, create well-paying jobs through the establishment of a broad, domestic EV industry, and reduce on‐road vehicular emissions.”

“All of us stand to gain when we work cooperatively to carve out a vision for EV technology in a way that is effective, efficient, and economically beneficial for U.S. industry and safe and effective for consumers,” added EVSP co-chair Jim Pauley.” Version 1.0 of the roadmap does just that, but an ever-evolving technology needs an ever-evolving and coordinated approach. We are excited to continue this important work, and I would encourage anyone who downloads and reads the document to give ANSI their comments and feedback.”

The Standardization Roadmap is available for free download at www.ansi.org/evsp.


Image: ASNI

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