Innovations in Power Electronics Assembly Materials to Reduce Design-for-Manufacturing Complexity

Presented by:

  • Joseph Hertline, Product Manager, Indium Corporation

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Oct 18, 2021, 8:00 am EDT

With a steep adoption curve projected for EV technology, manufacturers are seeking technology and solutions that can readily scale to high volume. This is increasingly a factor in design decisions for power module providers, where continuous advancements in performance for increasing power densities and efficiency drive accelerated new product introduction schedules.

In this session, we will review manufacturing and design trends for power electronics driven by EV applications, with a focus on emerging materials technologies that offer the potential to simplify assembly and soldering operations, reduce process design cycles, and add flexibility with manufacturing capacity.

Now available to watch on-demand: Register for this webinar to watch a recording of the presentation and audience Q&A, and download the presentation slides.

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