EV Analysis Solutions for Battery-Inverter-Motor Efficiency, Battery Structural Durability and Battery Reliability

Presented by:

  • Dr Andrew Halfpenny, Director of Technology – nCode Products

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Oct 18, 2021, 8:00 am EDT

Battery-Inverter-Motor Efficiency
The theoretical and real-world range of an electric vehicle may differ significantly. To maximize the range and overall efficiency of the vehicle, it is necessary to understand and characterize how the vehicle is used and determine through measurement and analysis where efficiency losses occur. But quantifying AC power is particularly difficult for EV frequency-modulated, non-sinusoidal and transient waveforms. This presentation considers:
• AC power analysis from steady-state sinusoidal to transient non-sinusoidal waveforms
• Active, Reactive, Apparent Power, and the Power Factor
• A case study with data from an electric vehicle

Battery Structural Durability
Like their thermal-engine counterparts, electric vehicles are susceptible to structural fatigue failures. The mechanical complexity of the battery structure and its mountings also give rise to significant additional fatigue failure issues. Insights into these structural and vibration-induced failures enable engineers to eliminate the risk of fatigue failure, improve the durability of electric-engines, and increase vehicle reliability. This presentation considers:
• Fatigue design of battery packs
• Accelerated vibration testing of battery packs
• Fatigue analysis of electric vehicle structures

Battery Reliability
All electric vehicle batteries degrade overtime. Their performance, however, varies by model and external conditions such as usage, temperature, and charging methods. To improve the overall reliability of the battery system and avoid excessive warrantee exposure, it is important to understand both the mean life and the statistical distribution of lives for the battery. Furthermore, understanding how the battery degrades over time will lead to significant improvements in battery design, reliability, and vehicle efficiency. This presentation considers:
• Battery life analysis
• Battery performance degradation modelling and analysis
• FMEA for new failure modes

Now available to watch on-demand: Register for this webinar to watch a recording of the presentation and audience Q&A, and download the presentation slides.

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