How Cognex Improves EV Manufacturing

Presented by:

  • Matt Remnek, Global Account Manager, Cognex Corporation

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Oct 20, 2021, 1:00 pm EDT

Product recalls impact customers and cost the automotive industry billions of dollars per year. It’s never been more important to catch potential problems before products roll off the assembly line.

Machine vision and deep learning technology can be used within EV automotive manufacturing to increase reliability, add traceability, improve quality, and maximize throughput; all while reducing resources, and preventing downstream issues.

In this session we will cover how machine vision and deep learning can be utilized for Gauge, Identify, Guide, and Inspect for EV applications.

Our expert presenter will discuss:

• How traditional Rule-Based Vision Tools and Deep Learning Example-Based Tools work together in the same program to solve tough inspections
• Thermal Interface Material guidance and inspection
• Welding guidance and inspection for EV batteries
• Assembly verification for EV converter assemblies
• Surface application inspection
• Measurement and Gauging inspection
• OCR inspection

Now available to watch on-demand: Register for this webinar to watch a recording of the presentation and audience Q&A, and download the presentation slides.

All Sessions: October 2021 Conference

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