EV Engineering News

Parker LORD earns UL certification for CoolTherm potting compounds

Parker LORD has received UL 1446 certification for several of its CoolTherm potting compounds for use in thermal management systems.

The company says its thermally-conductive, low-viscosity materials optimize heat dissipation, protect components from dust and moisture, and help reduce vibration.

These thermal management materials have now been tested and certified under the relevant UL standards for electrical performance, heat and flame resistance and temperature rating. They are primarily used in motors or transformers to provide more power without negative thermal impacts.

“CoolTherm potting materials can now be used in industrial settings where UL certification is required and all of the materials in the products must be approved for use,” said Staff Scientist Dr. Dan Barber. “This brings substantial new opportunities for our customers to leverage the unique capabilities that CoolTherm potting materials can provide.”

Source: Parker LORD


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