Polish battery system manufacturer Impact Clean Power Technology (ICPT) has started construction of a factory designed to produce battery systems for public transportation, railroads and stationary energy storage applications. “For 2021, Impact held about 15% of the European electric bus battery market,” says the company.
According to ICPT, the GigafactoryX “will be powered by a photovoltaic installation stabilized by energy storage built from recycled battery systems previously used in public transport.” Its highly automated production lines will manufacture battery systems housing LTO, LFP and NMC cells.
When the factory begins production in 2024, the company expects it to boost its total production capacity to 5 GWh per year.
“For our customers, the GigafactoryX is a guarantee of large order volumes, availability of service and on-time delivery based on the European supply chain,” says Sales Director Filip Jankun.
Source: Impact Clean Power Technology