Netherlands-headquartered maritime battery manufacturer EST-Floattech will provide the battery systems for the electric-landing utility vessel (E-LUV) to be built by UK shipyard Coastal Workboats in Stornoway and for the company’s shore-based power supply system (SPSS).
The project is funded by a £6-million grant from the Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition (CMDC) to Coastal Workboats to demonstrate the UK’s first commercial electric workboat and charging station.
The E-LUV is a roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) and dry cargo transportation ferry that will be equipped with 2,400 kWh of EST-Floattech’s Octopus High Energy battery system. Configured as two independent systems, it will power various equipment as well as propulsion. For demonstration purposes, the workboat will operate during a short trial twice a day and five days a week on a 45-minute route between West Burrafirth and Papa Stour in the Shetland Isles.
EST-Floattech will also supply 1,200 kWh of the Octopus High Energy battery system, placed in a 20-foot container, to support the charging of the E-LUV and for possible use as an onboard range extender.
“EST-Floattech has produced a class-approved product that brings to market a level of safety unseen previously. In particular, the passive nature of the heat dissipation system represents a marked step forward in safety, particularly for an application in the marine environment,” said Luke Parnell, Coastal Workboats Chief Engineering Manager.
Source: EST-Floattech