As every truck driver or heavy equipment operator knows, diesel engines can be difficult to start in low temperatures, or after not being started for long periods. Maxwell Technologies’ Engine Start Module (ESM) is an ultracapacitor-based system that takes over the engine cranking function and remains fully charged, even if battery voltage drops.
Now Maxwell is introducing two new 24-volt versions of the ESM: the ULTRA 31/900/24V is for starting diesel engines up to 12.5 liters, and the ULTRA 31/1100/24V is for engines up to 15.0 liters.
“The two 24 V products are basically an extension of the existing 12 V engine start products,” said Senior Business Portfolio Manager Jeff Brakley. “We rearranged the connection of the ultracapacitors inside the same Group 31 form factor to provide from 24 volts up to 28.5 volts to the starter, based on temperature. There’s an internal DC/DC converter and a computer board that monitors battery input voltage, the temperature, and adjusts the output voltage.”
Unlike the 12 V ESMs, the 24 V system will mostly be marketed to OEMs. The 12 V product can simply replace one of a vehicle’s existing 12 V lead-acid batteries, but the 24 V ESM is an add-on that needs to be designed into the vehicle.
The two new 24-volt ESM models will be available in May.
MORE: Ultracapacitors creep into the automotive industry
Source: Maxwell via Green Car Congress