Choosing the Right Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Technology for xEV DC-link Applications

Presented by:

  • Norton Brissac, Marketing - Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors, TDK Electronics

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Oct 21, 2021, 10:15 am EDT

Aluminum and hybrid polymer electrolytic capacitors have become an important part of most high-efficient electrical designs for xEV DC-link applications. These capacitor solutions have high ripple current capability and compactness helping to optimize the mechanical options required to develop DC/DC converters with higher performance.

In this session, we will discuss aluminum electrolytic capacitor technology and various characteristics, capabilities and features including compactness and equivalent series resistance (ESR), thermal properties, voltage rating and operating lifespan. There will be an overview of high-current solutions and capacity density capacitors for inverters and on-board charging. The session will also discuss mounting concepts that provides process flexibility and optimized designs for heat sink applications that enhance demanding xEV applications. Attendees will better understand how to select capacitors for any xEV DC-link project.

Now available to watch on-demand: Register for this webinar to watch a recording of the presentation and audience Q&A, and download the presentation slides.

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