Search Results Found For: "department of energy"

Argonne National Labs hosts the Interoperability Olympics

At Argonne National Labs, the pursuit of greater compatibility between DC fast charger EVSE and EVs connected some dots between industry standards and industry stalwarts. America’s first national lab, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), has always been steeped in the purpose of discovering and developing sustainable energy sources for promoting national security and prosperity. While the… Read more »

DOE offers funding for research into fuel cells, batteries, Schottky diodes

The DOE’s Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for fiscal year 2015, which spans the range of energy technologies, includes a few EV-related topics. Phase I grants of up to $225,000 will be made to small businesses to evaluate the feasibility of ideas that have commercial potential. Topics of interest include: Fuel Cell-Battery Electric Hybrid for Utility… Read more »

Report: The effects of fuel economy and emissions regulations on the automotive sector

By Jeffrey Wishart, a Senior Project Engineer at Intertek, conducts research and development on products and services in the areas of energy, the environment, and advanced transportation. In addition to his supervisory position at Intertek, Dr. Wishart worked for several years at ETEC LABS (the research and consulting division of ECOtality) and at a utility company… Read more »

CalBattery’s new SiGr anode material hopes to break the battery bottleneck

California Lithium Battery took advantage of national and local government programs so it could focus on its revolutionary silicon-graphene anode material. Now with EV, electronics, and energy storage customers lining up, it hopes to break the battery bottleneck. When you think about a bottleneck, you think about constriction – something that moves in a particular… Read more »

Fuel cells vs batteries for vehicle powertrains

Jeffrey Wishart, a Senior Project Engineer at Intertek, conducts research and development on products and services in the areas of energy, the environment, and advanced transportation. In addition to his supervisory position at Intertek, Dr. Wishart worked for several years at ETEC LABS (the research and consulting division of ECOtality) and at a utility company… Read more »

New anode extends the life of lithium-sulfur batteries

Many researchers are interested in lithium-sulfur batteries, because they can offer up to four times the energy density of lithium-ion chemistries. However, current lithium-sulfur batteries have a much shorter lifespan. In a paper published this week in Nature Communications, a team from the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) described a “hybrid” anode… Read more »

15 million for Massachusetts alt fuel programs, including electric school bus pilot

Massachusetts has announced $15.5 million of new funding to support alternative fuel vehicles and related infrastructure. The investment, which includes $11.7 million in Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funds from the US DOT, will be split among several programs, including an electric school bus pilot. The first phase of the Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Incentive Program… Read more »

DOE to resume making loans for advanced vehicles

The $25 billion Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing (ATVM) loan program, which funded both winners (Tesla, Ford, Nissan) and losers (Fisker) before election-year criticism from the back seat caused it to slam on the brakes, will get back on the road soon, said DOE spokeswoman Aoife McCarthy. The program, which was created in 2008 by President… Read more »

Wildcat Discovery Technologies’ new cathode materials

We first told you about Wildcat Discovery Technologies back in the October/November 2012 issue of Charged. It is a venture-backed start-up in Southern California that has developed proprietary methods for rapidly synthesizing energy-storage materials. The company boasts that one of its busy scientists can produce 400 to 500 different battery materials at the same time… Read more »