Search Results Found For: "Switch Mobility"

Megawatt Charging System from Siemens delivers 1 MW charge during testing

As the Megawatt Charging System (MCS), a new charging standard for heavy-duty EVs, enters the final stages of standardization, automakers and EVSE manufacturers are busily putting the new system through its paces. Commercial implementations of MCS, which industry experts are calling a game-changer for electric trucks, are expected to begin later this year. The latest… Read more »

Real Time Power Electronics Simulation

Power electronics is a growing field with the push for electric vehicles and advancing grid technologies. Developing power electronics controllers requires in depth testing to improve performance, efficiency, and reliability. Development requires trying different active and passive components with different topologies and extensive testing. Traditionally, pure software testing of controller code and circuit simulation tools… Read more »

All-on-one e-fluid technology to cool EV inverter, motor and provide gear lubrication (Webinar)

The presentation describes an Evogen (TM) e-fluid technology from Lubrizol that can handle high-power density electrical drivetrains that effectively protects and cools inverter, e-motor and gearbox system. This means a combination of advanced hardware cooling approaches and an advanced fluid to prevent overheating of components. There is a benefit in this approach compared with the… Read more »

CISSOID releases new SiC Inverter Control Modules for EVs

Power semiconductor specialist CISSOID released a new series of SiC Inverter Control Modules (ICMs) for the e-mobility market at the recent Applied Power Electronics Conference. These software-powered SiC Inverter Control Modules are designed to help engineers create safe, robust and modular e-motor drives.  The new CXT-ICM3SA series offers optimal hardware and software integration of CISSOID’s… Read more »

The heavy-duty electric truck market could break out in 2024

Electrifying heavy-duty trucks is essential if we’re to fight climate change and air pollution, but the pace of the transition has been painfully slow—many, many pilots, but few truly large-scale orders. For example, shipping giant Schneider acquired 92 Freightliner eCascadias in 2023—a good start, but only that, considering that the company currently operates over 10,000… Read more »

Electric taxis in Austria use automated charging system as the country phases out fossil-fueled taxis

Taxis in Austria are going electric. Starting in 2025, only emission-free taxis will be allowed (unlike some countries currently in the news, Austria has shown no signs of reneging on this pledge). Automated EV charging can greatly facilitate taxi electrification, as e-taxis can charge automatically while waiting at taxi stands. The eTaxi Austria project has… Read more »