Setting Up Your EV Battery Test Lab for Success

Presented by:

  • Stefan Dreifke, Solution Marketing Specialist, Keysight Technologies

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Apr 6, 2022, 10:15 am EDT

For electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers, suppliers and test facilities, intensive testing of EV batteries is crucial to secure an advantage over the competition. Efficient and reliable testing is essential for faster developments and shorter time-to-market. However, before testing can begin, thorough test lab planning is required. There are various approaches to planning and setting up a new battery test lab – whether it’s integrated into an existing building, or set up as standardized, location-independent test units, which could offer faster product realization with lower investment.

This presentation will provide some ideas of how to build and equip your battery test lab, and illustrate how a well-thought-through design-for-test strategy lay the foundation for its future performance right at the planning phase.

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Now available to watch on-demand: Register for this webinar to watch a recording of the presentation and audience Q&A, and download the presentation slides.

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