Search Results Found For: "Norway"

IONITY unveils new 350 kW Tritium fast charger

IONITY, a joint venture among Daimler, Ford, BMW, and VW that is building a fast charging network throughout Europe, has unveiled its next generation charger – the Halo – which it designed in collaboration with fast charger manufacturer Tritium. These next-gen chargers are capable of 350 kW DC charging, and can add 350 km (220… Read more »

Madrid private car ban is here to stay

Several countries, including the UK, Norway, Denmark and Iceland, have announced plans to eliminate ICE vehicles, and a few cities are proposing to ban them from city centers. Paris and Amsterdam have ambitious plans to banish dinosaur burners by 2030. Obviously, such plans have opponents, and they aren’t likely to become law without political battles…. Read more »

UK lags behind Europe on home EV charging speeds

When you think of roadblocks to EV adoption, vision-challenged automakers, uneducated dealerships and SUV-loving consumers make for convenient culprits. However, in many parts of the world, arcane technical and political issues also present major challenges. In the UK, a technical issue having to do with the electrical grid is emerging as a limitation on home… Read more »

IONITY opens 100th high-power DC charging station

IONITY, a joint venture of several automakers that’s building a fast charging network in Europe, has opened its 100th high-power charging site. Located in Rygge, Norway and operated by Circle K, the site has six 350 kW IONITY charging points, and has the space to add up to six more. “Rygge is an ideal stop-off… Read more »

Tesla’s Model 3 was the top-selling car in Switzerland in March

I’ve written so many articles about Switzerland being an EV laggard in Europe that it’s only fair to trumpet the news that the Swiss auto market has been “struck by Tesla lightning,” as the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, one of the country’s top daily newspapers, put it. Tesla’s Model 3 was the best-selling car of any… Read more »

Switzerland rolls out highway DC fast charging stations

Compared to other countries of Western Europe, Switzerland is an EV laggard. The government has set an aspirational goal of electrifying a third of the auto fleet by 2030, but every proposal to establish purchase incentives has been nixed by the powerful auto importers’ lobby. While a few of the Swiss cantons (the equivalent of… Read more »

Corvus Energy to provide energy storage systems for five new electric ferries

Corvus Energy, a supplier of energy storage systems (ESSs) to the maritime industry, has been selected as the ESS provider for five new electric ferries to be operated by Norwegian company Fjord1. Corvus will provide its lithium-ion battery-based ESSs to electrical systems integrator Norwegian Electric Systems (NES), which will provide the power and propulsion system… Read more »

Dairy farmers use electric milk pump to reduce diesel usage

Belching cows aren’t the only source of CO2 emissions in the dairy industry. When tanker trucks collect milk from farms, they use their diesel engines to drive the pump that fills the tank. Now Swedish technology company Semcon has partnered with Enova and Tine, a Norwegian milk distributor, to develop an electric milk pump. By… Read more »

As EPA moves to water down fuel economy standards, GM tries to change the subject

The Trump administration is determined to roll back US fuel economy standards, but for now at least, it will have to go through a complex legally mandated process, including a period of public comments, a customary formality that ended last week. Also last week, GM issued a press release in which it made no comment… Read more »