The Road To Sustainable Battery Material Production In The US

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  • 6k

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Apr 4, 2022, 8:00 am EDT

Join this session to learn how to significantly lower material costs and be agile enough to build battery plants domestically.

Automotive OEMs have set lofty goals toward electric vehicle production. Cell and battery manufacturers have made significant investment in US-based production plants to help meet these goals. However, there are several critical element missing, there is currently no US battery material production capabilities and current co-precipitation, the emcumbent production technology for cathode production, can not economically compete with China forcing OEMs and cell manufacturiers to continue to source battery material overseas.

In this presentation we will look at a unique microwave plasma production technology that can drive down battery material cost by as much as 50% while at the same time eliminating wastewater, lowering GHG emission and energy use by 70%. With the understanding there is zero battery material production is done in the US this presentation will outline a path forward for domestic US production facilities that reduce supply chain concerns and significantly lower national security risks while at the same time offering a significant cost reduction for the battery manufacturers.

Now available to watch on-demand: Register for this webinar to watch a recording of the presentation and audience Q&A, and download the presentation slides.

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