Electrifying Auxiliaries: Innovative Solutions For Multiple Auxiliaries In Commercial Vehicles

Presented by:

  • Tony Heiser, Business Development Manager - eMobility, KEB America

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Apr 4, 2022, 11:00 am EDT

Commercial electric and hybrid vehicles can have several low power auxiliary loads which would need to be electrified when decoupled from an ICE. Such auxiliaries include pumps for power steering or body hydraulics, air compressors for braking and suspension or HVAC, and direct-drive or geared motors for other fully-electrified body machinery.

In this session, we’ll examine the benefits of innovative solutions which can be realized with the KEB T6 Auxiliary Inverter system. Such benefits include reduced components and system complexity and increased auxiliary efficiency, performance, and reliability. Specific topics covering how these benefits can be achieved will include scalable hardware for controlling multiple auxiliaries, sensorless motor control, and “smart” embedded control solutions.

Now available to watch on-demand: Register for this webinar to watch a recording of the presentation and audience Q&A, and download the presentation slides.

All Sessions: April 2022 Conference

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