Search Results Found For: "Nissan"

Teardown expert Sandy Munro compares Tesla, Nissan, Jaguar inverters

When it comes to automobiles, Sandy Munro knows whereof he speaks. His company specializes in taking new cars apart and analyzing every little bracket and screw—what it’s made of, who made it, and how much it cost. Charged was fortunate enough to have Sandy present a couple of video sessions at our Virtual Conference on… Read more »

Nissan launches pilot in Australia, will offer V2G to customers this year

A major government trial of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology in Australia will demonstrate the Nissan LEAF’s ability to supply energy to a home or commercial site, or to feed power back to the grid, thanks to its built-in bidirectional charging capability. The Realising Electric Vehicle Services (REVS) project is a precursor to the customer launch of… Read more »

The war is over: Nissan to switch from CHAdeMO to CCS in US and Europe

Fight fans have been following the fortunes of the competing DC fast charging standards, CHAdeMO and CCS, for the past several years, but it’s been apparent for a while that the tide of the struggle has turned. When we reported on recently released figures from the DOE showing that the two standards account for similar… Read more »

Nissan Australia touts LEAF V2H capabilities, disses Tesla battery project

Nissan’s Global Director of Electric Vehicles, Nic Thomas, recently took a trip Down Under for the Australian launch of the Nissan LEAF Plus. In his speech, he highlighted the LEAF’s bidirectional charging capability, which he said is already being used in Japan, and is expected to be available in Australia within months. Nissan Australia’s Manager… Read more »

Nissan: LEAF batteries should last 22 years

Data collected by Nissan indicates that a LEAF battery should last as long as 22 years, according to Francisco Carranza, Managing Director of Renault-Nissan Energy Services. Nissan monitors various parameters, including charging patterns and battery degradation, on the over 400,000 LEAFs it has sold in Europe since 2011. Carranza did not discuss the issue of… Read more »

Nissan’s $3,500 LEAF rebate gets local utilities involved in increasing EV awareness

If you pay an electric bill (and who doesn’t?), keep your eyes open for a message from your local utility announcing that you can take advantage of a $3,500 rebate on a Nissan LEAF. Nissan has been partnering with various utilities around the US to offer customers a special rebate. The rebate comes from Nissan,… Read more »

Nissan uses bidirectional charging tech to power North American facilities

Bidirectional charging technology (vehicle-to-grid or vehicle-to-building) has the potential to help reduce utility costs by using EV batteries to store energy and release it at times of peak consumption. Now Nissan, in partnership with Fermata Energy, a vehicle-to-grid systems company, has launched a pilot program that uses LEAFs equipped with bidirectional charging capability to partially… Read more »