Search Results Found For: "Model Y"

Musk: Panasonic will be exclusive battery supplier for Model 3

Tesla has a long-standing relationship with Panasonic, as a battery supplier and a partner in the Gigafactory. So EV-savvy ears perked up at news that the California carmaker had met with a trio of Korean battery-builders. In fact, Reuters reported that Samsung SDI was “making progress” in talks with Tesla to supply batteries for Model… Read more »

Improving aerodynamic modeling: Combining airflow dynamics with vehicle-handling models

Tuning a vehicle’s aerodynamic features is nothing new. Engineers have been using wind tunnels for decades, and more recently they’ve also employed computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software to reduce drag, minimize noise and increase stability by preventing undesired lift forces. In the expanding world of EVs, car builders are doubling down on efforts to push… Read more »

Tesla Model 3: What we know and what we don’t know

Tesla made automotive history on March 31, when it unveiled the culmination of its master plan to bring EVs to the masses. The company has committed to delivering a car with the parameters that pundits have identified as the tipping point for widespread EV sales: 200 miles of range and a price tag in the… Read more »

Elon Musk: Supercharging will not be free for Tesla Model 3 owners

Elon Musk and JB Straubel held forth for over three hours at Tesla’s 2016 annual shareholder meeting. They recapped the history of the company, and discussed its ambitious plans for the future, before taking questions from the audience. Mr. Musk answered what is probably the most pressing question among the legions of future Model 3… Read more »

Nissan team develops silicon monoxide model that could help boost Li-ion battery capacity

Researchers from Nissan and its materials research subsidiary Nissan Arc have developed a heterostructure model of the atomic structure of silicon monoxide (SiO), which explains the distinctive structure and properties of the promising material. In “Atomic-scale disproportionation in amorphous silicon monoxide,” published in Nature Communications, Akihiko Hirata and colleagues explain that silicon (Si) is capable… Read more »

Tesla reportedly approaches LG, Samsung and SK for Model 3 batteries

Japanese giant Panasonic is currently Tesla’s exclusive battery partner, but as its battery needs balloon along with demand for the upcoming Model 3, it’s only logical that the California company should keep its options open with other suppliers. The Korea Times reported that Tesla has approached LG Chem, Samsung SDI and SK Innovation. Tesla executives… Read more »

Will Tesla’s Model 3 finally inspire major automakers to get charged?

Tesla’s mission has always been to get more people driving EVs, even if it’s not the one selling them. Elon Musk has said many times that he welcomes competition from the major automakers. Musk and his crusading carmakers have had some success in this regard. Former GM exec Bob Lutz has acknowledged that Tesla was… Read more »