Search Results Found For: "Norway"

Musk in Germany: tuning for the Autobahn, faster Superchargers and a Model E prototype in a year

Elon Musk had a number of interesting things to say this week in a speech at a Tesla service center in Germany. He got the crowd fired up right off the bat, saying “We’re going to make a big investment in Germany – in fact, right now, Germany is our top focus in the world.”… Read more »

Tesla to offer CHAdeMO fast charging adaptor in the US

Tesla is famous for doing things differently. That’s not just because the company likes to be contrary, but because it often believes it’s found a better way, and that’s certainly the case with the company’s proprietary fast charging standard. Tesla is steadily building its own network of Supercharger DC fast charging stations across the US… Read more »

Connecting Europe’s charging networks

Many have posed the question of why the EV market in Europe has lagged behind the market in the US, considering the Continent’s higher fuel prices and strong green tradition. While there are several plausible answers, on closer examination the question itself makes little sense, because in fact there is no European EV market, but… Read more »

July plug-in sales: total pulls back as LEAF edges ahead

Total US plug-in sales saw a substantial drop in July, to 6,592 units. Last month’s three front-runners all succumbed to the summer doldrums, but the second-tier sellers held steady or showed slight improvements. The LEAF edged into first place in July with a total of 1,864, which is a drop from June’s 2,225 but still… Read more »

OCPP: There’s definitely confusion, but is there controversy?

Reporting on the charging industry is a tough gig. It’s incredibly nuanced. Every question we ask the experts leads to three more questions. It turns out that when you take hardware, software, networks, protocols and panels, then mix in some public funding, you get endless opinions.  We’ll attempt to clarify two issues in the thick… Read more »

CHAdeMO and Combo charging stakeholders call for cooperation at World EV Summit

The second World EV Summit, which took place in May in Lillestrøm, Norway, brought together over 150 industry specialists, representing automakers, charger manufacturers, local governments and other interested parties. Representatives of Europe’s two competing fast charging standards called for cooperation, rejecting any notion of a standards war (G-8 leaders, take note). Takafumi Anegawa, the founder… Read more »

New report: European EV charging industry is becoming increasingly self-sustaining

  The EV charging industry in Europe is in for significant growth, and will soon wean itself off government subsidies and incentives, according to a new analysis from Frost & Sullivan. The new study, “Strategic Technology and Market Analysis of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in Europe,” finds that the market for EV charging stations is expected… Read more »

Its not just EVs that are selling slowly in Europe

Many of us have been puzzled about the fact that plug-in sales are taking off more slowly in Europe than in the US, given the continent’s compact cities, high fuel prices and tradition of greenery. However, looking at 2012’s auto sales figures may provide a simple explanation. While the US auto industry had a spectacular… Read more »

Mitsubishi electrifies Geneva

The prize for most charged major automaker at the Geneva Auto Salon goes to Mitsubishi, hands down. The majority of Mitsu’s exhibit space was devoted to electrified vehicles, and electro-themed videos played nonstop.   At center stage were two flashy concept cars: the CA-MiEV, a red-hot electric hatchback with a 28 kWh battery that gives… Read more »