Search Results Found For: "DOE "

Is Tesla’s Autopilot 2.0 hardware already creeping into production vehicles?

The recent tragedy involving an Autopilot-equipped Model S has focused the world’s attention on the rapidly advancing field of vehicle autonomy. It’s widely assumed that Tesla is hard at work revamping Autopilot to make it better and safer. But in fact, the Disruptors of Detroit have been incrementally improving their autonomy technology on a continuous… Read more »

Battery500 consortium aims to develop 500 Wh/kg battery pack

One of the Obama Administration’s recently announced initiatives to promote EV adoption is the Battery500 consortium, which will be led by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), and includes several other national laboratories and universities. The group will receive up to $10 million a year over five years from the DOE. The goal of Battery500 is… Read more »

Nissan: There will be more EV charging stations in the UK than petrol stations by 2020

As EV adoption accelerates, some parts of the world already have more charging facilities than gas stations, including Japan and Manhattan. Now Nissan is predicting that the UK will follow suit by 2020. The maker of the LEAF (and a tireless promoter and financer of public charging stations) forecasts that in 2020 there will be… Read more »

Louisville, Kentucky transit authority rolls out six Proterra electric buses

The Transit Authority of River City (TARC), which serves the Greater Louisville area, has begun deploying six new Proterra electric buses on a route that serves popular destinations including Churchill Downs, the Kentucky Derby Museum and the University of Louisville. With the new buses, TARC will have a total of 15 Proterra e-buses on the… Read more »

Edorado Marine’s new electric hydrofoil powerboat

After two years of market research, design, and product development, Netherlands-based Edorado Marine has revealed its new zero-emission powerboat. The Edorado 7S uses a unique hydrofoil design that allows it to ride above the water with very low drag, which increases maximum speed and range. Tom Speer, who is also part of America’s Cup Team… Read more »

New White House initiatives aim to promote EVs

The Obama administration, a reliable booster of electromobility, has announced a new package of measures aimed at helping to put more EVs on the road. While EVangelists may be disappointed that the package contains little in the way of new money or mandates, it will hopefully lay the groundwork for more cooperation among governments, private… Read more »

Arbin High Precision Battery Testing Whitepaper Download

Learn how to accelerate battery testing with ultra high precision testing equipment The detection of battery degradation mechanisms using precision high power testing system on cells under real-world testing profiles Arbin Instruments new high precision tester (HPT) series was developed to realize real life predictability for the growing demand of longer life vehicle, grid, and other… Read more »

Consumer Reports: Tesla should disable automatic steering

Tesla has been weathering a lot of criticism in the press since the fatal crash involving an Autopilot-equipped Model S. As Road & Track’s Jack Baruth very colorfully noted, some of it has come from self-appointed experts with little knowledge of the auto industry. However, the latest reproach comes from Consumer Reports, a respected publication… Read more »

Auto industry (except Tesla) spends an average $1,000 per vehicle in advertising

Elon Musk has said several times that he rarely thinks about marketing, and that if you build a truly revolutionary product, the marketing will take care of itself. Tesla has followed this philosophy since its founding. It participates in only the largest, most high-profile auto shows, gives access to only a few carefully selected journalists,… Read more »

Swiss researchers enhance Li-ion batteries with improved electrode design

Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute and ETH Zurich in Switzerland have developed a simple procedure that they say can enhance the performance of Li-ion batteries by improving the design of the electrodes without changing the underlying chemistry. In “Magnetically aligned graphite electrodes for high rate performance Li-ion batteries,” published in Nature Energy, Juliette Billaud… Read more »