Search Results Found For: "charging management"

Find your niche: Balqon Corporation targets short haul drayage tractors

Electric vehicles (EVs) have their partisans and detractors. Supporters see the be-all and end-all transportation solution, while opponents argue the technology is too young. Somewhere between the two extremes lies the truth: today’s commercially available EVs have strengths and weaknesses compared to internal combustion engine (ICEs). The strong points include lower operating costs and lack… Read more »

A case for 25 kW DC Quick Chargers

Industry Opinion: Larry Butkovich is the General Manager of EV Systems at Fuji Electric Corp. of America – a manufacturer of 25 kW DC Quick Chargers. Retail store owners, fleet managers, and government officials are currently faced with the dilemma of selecting charging stations for their sites, and are often overwhelmed by all of the… Read more »

DBT and Matra showcase battery swapping station for electric bikes and scooters

European charging equipment maker DBT CEV and Matra, a manufacturer of Light Electric Vehicles, have introduced the Bat’Lib battery-swapping station for e-bikes and e-scooters. The new system is designed to let a rider exchange an empty battery for a full one in 10 seconds. The Bat’Lib swapping station has ten charging ports. One port is… Read more »

New tools for new tech: servicing battery powered vehicles

News flash: EVs will suffer from manufacturing defects at approximately the same rate as their gas-fueled cousins. You can Six Sigma processes until you’re blue in the face, but machines designed and built by us mere mortals will always find a new way to break unexpectedly. So what happens when they do?  If the issue… Read more »