Search Results Found For: "Model Y"

Every inch an EV: Tesla’s Model S redefines the automobile (new book excerpt)

This article is an excerpt from Tesla Motors: How Elon Musk and Company Made Electric Cars Cool, and Sparked the Next Tech Revolution by Charged Senior Editor Charles Morris. This 270-page book is a comprehensive history of Tesla, told by the entrepreneurs who made it happen, as well as an assessment of the company’s lasting influence… Read more »

Tesla VP: Model 3 may come in several body styles

Tesla VP for Engineering Chris Porritt chatted with the British news outlet Auto Express this week about the company’s eagerly-awaited Model 3. He made no major revelations, but hinted that the game-changing automobile might be offered in several body styles, something that could attract a broader range of buyers. “We don’t know what type of… Read more »

Latest Tesla update lets you start your Model S using your iPhone

Tesla has begun rolling out the new OS 6.0 software update to vehicle owners. Model S drivers have gained a number of new features, including a new Calendar app for in-car use, and several improvements to the Maps/Navigation software.  Tesla V6 software upload coming soon. Need to make sure it is “awesome” – Lord Business… Read more »

Tesla infinite-mile warranty will also apply to Models X and 3

A little rain fell on Tesla’s parade recently, when Consumer Reports and each reported that their Model S units had racked up what seemed to be an excessive number of maintenance issues. However, both sources reported that most of the repairs in question were covered under warranty. Perhaps in response to the negative publicity,… Read more »

Two news outlets report Model S reliability issues, Tesla raises warranty to 8 years

Few cars have received as many rave reviews as the Tesla Model S. Since its launch, just about every media outlet that covers cars has sung the praises of the luxury EV – many named it Car of the Year, and some bestowed even grander titles. Recently however, two of the most respected auto industry… Read more »

Tesla halts production to gear up for Model X

Tesla has halted production at its Fremont, California assembly plant as it prepares to begin cranking out the Model X, and accelerate production of the Model S. A $100-million upgrade will add 25 robots and boost production by 25 percent. “This represents the single biggest investment in the plant since we really started operations and… Read more »

Security buffs win a prize for hacking into a Tesla Model S

The hyperconnected automobile presents all sorts of opportunities for criminal mischief, and it’s no hypothetical danger – last year, DARPA researchers were able to remotely hack into Toyota and Ford vehicles and disable the brakes. At this month’s Symposium on Security for Asia Network (SyScan360), a security conference in Beijing, security buffs were invited to… Read more »

New model predicts carbon components’ performance as electrodes

Researchers at Rice University and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have developed a new theoretical model that predicts how carbon components will perform as electrodes. The research, published in the journal Physical Review Letters, examined the electronic characteristics of anode materials, including quantum capacitance (the ability of a material to absorb charge) and absolute Fermi level… Read more »