Formulated Fluids: An Upgrade In Battery Immersion Cooling

Presented by:

  • Shawn Jarecki, Director, e-Mobility, Lubrizol

  • Tom Corrigan, Technology Development Manager, Lubrizol

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Apr 20, 2023, 8:00 am EDT

The world of global transportation is becoming increasingly electrified and with this comes new hardware and fluid challenges. One of the most significant challenges facing the development of EVs is how to keep the batteries cool enough to function at peak performance throughout the life of the vehicle.

There are many cooling methods which OEMs could deploy to help keep the battery cool, including air cooling and indirect water glycol cooling. The latter is a technology which vehicle manufacturers are most familiar with from their ICE offerings. While these indirect liquid cooling systems are a significant improvement over air-cooling, the water-glycol cooling systems still present limitations as EV batteries strive to charge faster and operate more safely. The question facing EV OEMs today is what technology will provide the most effective cooling system in the future as these vehicles become more prevalent on the roads.

This is where the emerging technology of immersion cooling comes in. At the simplest level, immersion cooling is a system that contains liquid with a battery pack immersed in it. No cooling jacket is needed, and the dielectric fluid comes into direct contact with the battery. This has many benefits such as enabling faster charging and safer operation of the battery pack.

Join this session, where we will talk about the benefits of battery immersion cooling and others.

Most dielectric fluids offered today are straight-from-the-refinery base oils or expensive and unsustainable fluorinated fluids. Unfortunately, these fluids were not purposely designed for EV applications and cannot deliver the same levels of performance and durability as custom-formulation approaches. Formulated fluids offer an upgrade to battery immersion cooling with added chemistry tailored to the application. In this presentation, we will also introduce Lubrizol’s EVOGEN Battery Thermal Management Fluids, which offer higher performance proven through testing.

All Sessions: April 2023 Conference

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