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Washington and Oregon drivers love I-5 DC fast chargers

EV drivers are putting the West Coast Electric Highway to use – new data from the Washington state Department of Transportation shows that the state’s 14 DC fast charging stations have delivered more than 10,000 charges since the first of them went into service in May 2012. Total monthly usage doubled to 1,125 charging sessions… Read more »

October plug-in sales: Toyota (or Ford?) snatches the lead

The three front-runners in the plug-in sales race are swapping some major paint – Toyota’s Prius Plug-in Hybrid edged into the lead with 2,095 sales for the month of October. Sales of the PPI have soared over the past three months after languishing in triple digits earlier in the year. It now looks likely that… Read more »

Company formed to commercialize Hyperloop project

A new class of electric vehicle moved a step closer to becoming a reality this week, as proponents of the Hyperloop formed a company to bring Elon Musk’s radical public transport concept to California commuters. Patricia Galloway, co-leader of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT), told, “The feasibility is done. What we’re working on now is… Read more »

2014 Porsche Panamera S E-Hybrid: Where will it fit into the market?

In a sense, every new entry into the plug-in vehicle market competes with all the others in the field – after all, there are still just a handful available nationwide. However, while the press tends to pit plug-ins against each other for juicy headlines, like “Volt vs LEAF,” there are very few direct head-to-head matchups… Read more »

Utility demand charges and electric vehicle supply equipment

Jeffrey Wishart, Senior Principal Engineer at ECOtality since 2009, conducts research and development on products and services in the areas of energy, the environment, and advanced transportation. In addition to his supervisory position at ECOtality, Dr Wishart worked for several years at a utility company in Queensland, Australia, conducting research into emerging energy technologies.  … Read more »

The new A123 looks a lot like the old A123: Q&A with Jeff Kessen

Start-ups are tough. The majority of them do not succeed, particularly those built around new technologies in burgeoning industries. Nowhere is this more evident than in the EV industry. Even with political support and government grants, many companies have miscalculated the market and the capital required to make it into the black.  In October 2012,… Read more »

Leyden Energy’s Li-imide electrolyte and the rise of start-stop vehicles

Battery start-up Leyden Energy plans to profit from the forecasted groundswell at the bottom of the electrification ladder: start-stop vehicles The average person may see the trademarked Li-imide logo and rush to the nearest convenience store to try a tangy new soft drink. However, you, being a somewhat chemistry-savvy electric vehicle enthusiast, know that Li-imide’s likely… Read more »

AMP Electric Vehicles: From car converter to truck OEM

The unusual journey of AMP Electric Vehicles has positioned it to become a leading OEM producing alternative-fuel vehicles for the medium-duty market. Seven years ago, AMP Electric Vehicles was founded on the idea of converting passenger vehicles – originally designed with an internal combustion engine, gas tank, and related components – to electric drive. The… Read more »

EVSE: the low-hanging fruit of smart city buildout

How installing a few charging stations is more of a long-term solution than meets the eye. We often hear about the need for smart cities, smart grids, and sustainability in general, but what does it really mean? How can we ever hope to build a smart and sustainable global ecosystem, considering the energy-consuming path that… Read more »

The infrastructure behind the infrastructure: Bosch invests in EVSE

Bosch is taking the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) market very seriously, investing heavily in the infrastructure behind the infrastructure One of dozens of indicators that suggest plug-in vehicles are here to stay is that companies like Bosch – the multinational engineering and electronics powerhouse – are jockeying for an early lead in the charging… Read more »