Search Results Found For: "Ion Storage Systems"

Solar-powered off-grid EV charging stations offer surprisingly attractive cost advantages

Q&A with Beam Global CEO Desmond Wheatley During periods of rapid technological change, it often turns out that certain new products have highly useful applications that few—perhaps not even their inventors—originally foresaw. This may well be the case with the EV ARC, a solar-powered off-grid charging station made by Beam Global.  When we first covered… Read more »

Hyundai Home offers one-stop marketplace for EV chargers, solar and storage

Automakers are starting to realize the importance of offering their own branded EV chargers in order to ensure a good home charging experience for their customers. Furthermore, solar panels and stationary storage are natural companion products, and as Apple (and later Tesla) demonstrated, there’s much to be said for offering an integrated ecosystem of products… Read more »

Swiss startup Morand launches fast charging energy storage system combining batteries and ultracapacitors

Swiss technology startup Morand has launched a hybrid energy storage system that combines the characteristics of an ultracapacitor with that of a chemical battery to create “a durable and ultra-fast energy pack that can be usefully recharged in seconds.” Morand says its eTechnology is designed for applications that require fast, frequent charges of around 5… Read more »

Li-ion battery pack prices rise for first time, to $151/kWh

Lithium-ion battery prices have been dropping for so long that industry players and pundits tend to factor ever-cheaper cells into their predictions, and many have made (dubious) comparisons to Moore’s Law, one of the core tenets of the computer industry. Now, thanks to rising raw material and battery component prices, along with more general inflation,… Read more »

Ampaire receives $9-million ARPA-E grant to develop hybrid-electric aircraft systems

Ampaire, a manufacturer of electrified aircraft, has received a $9-million grant from the DOE’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) SCALEUP program, which it will use for the development of FAA-certified hybrid subsystems. The company is currently using a converted hybrid Cessna 337 Skymaster aircraft—dubbed the ARPA-E Bird—as a  test bed for the development of subsystems… Read more »

Electrify America unveils megawatt-level battery energy storage system at California charging station

Charging network Electrify America has been at the forefront of a new trend: installing battery energy storage systems (BESS) at DC fast charging stations in order to manage energy costs and reduce stress on the grid. Now the company has unveiled its first megawatt-level BESS. Battery energy storage, with or without local renewable generation (solar… Read more »

Thermal Runaway Early Detection: Critical Sensors And Connections For Safe Battery Management

In this session, you will hear from the Amphenol Advanced Sensors Group and the Amphenol ICC group. The Sensors group will discuss the “Robust Early Detection of Thermal Runaway” in Lithium-ion battery technology. Attendees will learn of the physics and chemistry of battery failure, the hazards of damaged battery systems, and the means of reliably… Read more »

Beam Global delivers 23 EV ARC charging systems to national labs

San Diego-based Beam Global makes a portable, grid-independent charging station called the EV ARC. This handy gadget is an off-grid solar-powered EV charger with on-board energy storage that can be transported on a trailer and deployed “in minutes,” with no trenching or electrical work required. Beam says it has sold its EV ARCs to more… Read more »