Search Results Found For: "Audi"

Tesla’s success is “a combination of thousands of heroic feats that no one knows about” (book excerpt)

A new excerpt from Tesla: How Elon Musk and Company Made Electric Cars Cool, and Remade the Automotive and Energy Industries, Edition 4.1. An inside look at the early days David Havasi was a car guy from birth. He grew up near Auburn Hills, and his dad worked in the auto industry. “My childhood was… Read more »

Formula E makes strategic investment in Extreme E electric off-road racing series

Formula E is an all-electric FIA racing championship featuring races in iconic international city centers. Soon, another very different class of electric racing will make its debut: Extreme E is a rough-and-tumble off-road rally that will showcase the abilities of electric SUVs against the backdrop of remote ecosystems. Both organizations share the goal of highlighting… Read more »

Consumer Reports: Popular EV models cost less to own than comparable legacy vehicles

Surprise, surprise! An analysis by Consumer Reports has confirmed what EV boosters have been saying for a few years now: opting for a plug-in vehicle will save you thousands of dollars compared to owning a gas-powered vehicle. Savings on fuel and maintenance more than offset the higher purchase prices of EVs and PHEVs over the… Read more »

Consortium of auto suppliers launches multi-material EV battery casing project

German engineering firm AZL is joining with an international consortium of automotive suppliers to develop a multi-material battery casing. The 8-month product development will start with an international market analysis and a concept study in which different multi-material component concepts and production scenarios will be developed and evaluated with regard to their costs. Finally, a… Read more »

Teardown expert Sandy Munro compares 10 leading EV motors in new video

Auto manufacturing expert Sandy Munro knows what makes cars tick. For years, he and his company have performed teardowns, taking new cars apart and analyzing every little bracket and screw—what it’s made of, who made it, and how much it cost. This week at the Charged Virtual Conference on EV Engineering, Sandy compared an assortment… Read more »

Elon Musk expects manufacturing to be Tesla’s ace in the hole

Tesla is increasing its focus on perfecting its manufacturing process. As Zachary Shahan writes in a recent CleanTechnica article, “the machine that builds the machine” just may be Elon Musk’s favorite phrase these days. In fact, Musk expects Tesla’s manufacturing prowess to give it an edge over other EV-makers. “Tesla’s long-term competitive advantage will be… Read more »

Shoppers buy more EVs if they understand charging—and now there’s proof (exclusive first look)

New-car salespeople have simple motivations: They want to spend the least time selling you a new car for the highest possible commission. You buy a new car every five years or so; they sell up to 25 cars a month. They make money on the difference in knowledge. That makes electric cars a problem: they… Read more »

Elon Musk offers to let automakers license Tesla’s tech (again)

Tesla’s mission has always been to advance the transition to electromobility, and Elon Musk has said many times that he’s open to licensing deals that would allow other automakers to use the company’s technology. As far as we know, only two major brands have ever taken Tesla up on the offer: back in the 2010s,… Read more »