Search Results Found For: "doe"

DOE solicits proposals to bring advanced energy technologies to market

The DOE’s Office of Technology Transitions has issued a solicitation for proposals that help bring advanced energy technologies to market. The office’s Technology Commercialization Fund (TCF) has $20 million in new funding available. Proposals solicited from all 17 of DOE’s national laboratories will be submitted for review this spring, and TCF will match 50% funding… Read more »

DOE announces $58 million in funding for advanced vehicle technologies

The DOE has announced a Funding Opportunity Announcement that makes $58 million available for the development of various types of automotive technology advancements. The DOE will fund cost-shared projects with private industry, national laboratories, and university teams. “Our work refining cars that are efficient, affordable and can plug into the grid will help propel us… Read more »

DOE offers $56 million in funding for transportation technology research

In January, the DOE is expected to make around $56 million in new funding available for transportation-related R&D projects. The Vehicle Technologies Program Wide Funding Opportunity Announcement describes how organizations can apply for grants to support the development of such vehicle technologies as advanced batteries, power electronics and electric motors. Areas of Interest include: EV… Read more »

The DOE’s SBIR/STTR programs offer EV-related R&D funding for small businesses

The DOE has announced a new batch of topics for the 2016 Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) programs. Under the SBIR and STTR programs, federal agencies set aside portions of their R&D budgets for small businesses. Companies that win awards keep the rights to any technology developed, and are encouraged… Read more »

Consumer Reports: Model S reliability doesn’t measure up to its performance

Can this be true? Consumer Reports, which published a glowing review of Model S in 2013, and again in August, calling it “the best-performing car we’ve ever tested,” now says that it is dropping the Tesla sedan from its list of recommended vehicles. Only models with above-average reliability make the recommended list, and CR was… Read more »

What does Elon Musk think of the Apple iCar?

There’s no longer any doubt that Apple is doing some electric vehicle R&D. Whether an actual iCar will eventually disrupt the dinosaurs of Detroit remains to be seen, but a Greek chorus of auto industry insiders is already warning the champions of Cupertino not to do battle with this dragon. A recent Fortune article ridiculed… Read more »

DOE announces funding opportunity for medium- and heavy-duty electrified powertrains

If you have a plug-in hybrid powertrain for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles that’s ready for commercialization, you may be eligible for a grant from the DOE. The agency has issued a Funding Opportunity Announcement (DE-FOA-0001349) entitled “Medium and Heavy Duty Vehicle Powertrain Electrification and Dual Fuel Fleet Demonstration.” The objective of the Powertrain Electrification area… Read more »

Tesla Model X will probably qualify for the Hummer Tax Loophole. What does that mean?

Oh the irony! Could something called the Hummer Tax Loophole end up supercharging sales of Tesla’s new Model X? Section 179 of the federal tax code allows taxpayers to immediately deduct the cost of certain assets, including “heavy vehicles and equipment,” instead of depreciating them over time. Electrek reports that this became known as the… Read more »

DOE to fund graduate-level training programs in power electronics

The DOE has announced up to $10 million in funding to establish graduate-level training programs for engineers in power electronics. The five-year program will begin in the fall 2016 school year. Citing the important part that power engineers play in advanced energy technologies, the DOE expects them to be in high demand in the growing… Read more »

DOE offers funding for medium- and heavy-duty powertrain electrification projects

If you are working on a plug-in hybrid powertrain for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, you may be eligible for a grant from the DOE. The agency plans to issue a new Funding Opportunity Announcement (DE-FOA-0001349) entitled “Medium and Heavy Duty Vehicle Powertrain Electrification and Dual Fuel Fleet Demonstration.” DOE anticipates releasing the FOA in August… Read more »