Search Results Found For: "battery reuse"

OXIS Energy bets on lithium-sulfur

Though it may have a stinky reputation, sulfur could set EVs on the path to total ICE replacement if energy-dense, low-weight lithium-sulfur batteries become the norm. British-based OXIS Energy is banking its business on it. If American clean energy industries are to take full advantage of the emerging lithium-sulfur (Li-S) battery chemistry, they just may… Read more »

GM and ABB demonstrate grid storage system built from used Volt batteries

  At the recent Electrification Experience symposium in California, GM and ABB demonstrated a “community energy storage system” made from five used Chevy Volt batteries. The unit is designed to provide 25 kW of power for two hours, enough to power 3 to 5 average American homes (a few dozen of these babies would come… Read more »