The UK’s Department for Transport, together with railroad operator Network Rail and equipment manufacturer Bombardier, is developing a prototype battery-powered locomotive as part of a study into the feasibility of using battery electric trains on parts of the railway which have not been electrified. According to Network Rail, electric trains are quicker, quieter, and more… Read more »
Search Results Found For: "Lithium Iron Phosphate"
Researchers discover memory effect in Li-ion batteries
Scientists at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and the Toyota Central R&D Labs have reported a memory effect in lithium-iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries that appears after only one cycle of partial charge and discharge. Memory effects are well known to users of nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal-hydride batteries. If these batteries are recharged repeatedly after being only partially… Read more »
Smith Electric Vehicles: the long haul and the short end of the stick
Smith sees a bright future in electric trucks on the horizon, but must wade through a sea of speculation to get there. All Smith Electric Vehicles Corp. wanted was a long-term growth strategy that would let the company scale up production of its all-electric, zero-emission medium-duty trucks at the same time that it beefed up… Read more »
Can phase change material mitigate thermal runaway in Li-ion packs?
(This article originally appeared in Charged Issue 6 – JAN/FEB 2013) AllCell Technologies’ new phase change thermal management material If you have spent time at any of the EV industry trade shows, you’ve probably heard the term thermal runaway. It refers to a chain reaction in which an increase in temperature causes further increases in temperature and uncontrollable… Read more »
Dow’s new battery material offers 10-15% more energy density
The new material could serve as a “drop-in” upgrade for existing iron phosphate-based materials in cells using existing electrolyte and anode combinations.
Find your niche: Balqon Corporation targets short haul drayage tractors
Electric vehicles (EVs) have their partisans and detractors. Supporters see the be-all and end-all transportation solution, while opponents argue the technology is too young. Somewhere between the two extremes lies the truth: today’s commercially available EVs have strengths and weaknesses compared to internal combustion engine (ICEs). The strong points include lower operating costs and lack… Read more »
A123 Systems to supply battery packs to VIA Motors for extended-range electric trucks
A123 has already begun producing the battery packs at its Livonia, Michigan factory, as VIA has started delivering trucks to commercial fleet customers.
New Coda EV goes into production
EV startup Coda Automotive has been busier than a motorcycle cop on the LA Freeway at rush hour. Last week the company threw a bash to open its new headquarters in Los Angeles, with California Governor Jerry Brown there to cut the ribbon and the rubber chicken. On Tuesday it announced that the new all-electric… Read more »