Search Results Found For: "tesla lg chem"

EVSE: the low-hanging fruit of smart city buildout

How installing a few charging stations is more of a long-term solution than meets the eye. We often hear about the need for smart cities, smart grids, and sustainability in general, but what does it really mean? How can we ever hope to build a smart and sustainable global ecosystem, considering the energy-consuming path that… Read more »

EVs made (and powered) in America

Publisher’s Note – CHARGED Electric Vehicles Magazine Issue 9 – August 2013 The Wall Street Journal recently published an article on Kentucky’s Republican congressman Thomas Massie. The piece was about a few idealists in the GOP that are bucking the party leaders and blocking their agenda. The most interesting departure from Republican talking points is… Read more »

OXIS Energy bets on lithium-sulfur

Though it may have a stinky reputation, sulfur could set EVs on the path to total ICE replacement if energy-dense, low-weight lithium-sulfur batteries become the norm. British-based OXIS Energy is banking its business on it. If American clean energy industries are to take full advantage of the emerging lithium-sulfur (Li-S) battery chemistry, they just may… Read more »