Search Results Found For: "Lion Electric"

Obama agrees to investigation of DoE loans

The Obama administration has agreed to a complete third-party review of all the Department of Energy loans that have recently kept the electric teapot on the boil. Of course, the star of the show will be the half billion bucks that swirled with stinky solar startup Solyndra. Also under the mediascope will be loans to… Read more »

Test fleet of Audi A1 e-tron PHEVs hits the road in Munich

20 of Audi’s new A1 e-trons will take to the Autobahnen and Strassen around Munich, Germany in a major fleet trial jointly sponsored by Audi, Munich Technical University and the local electric utility. Part of the financing comes from the German Ministry of Transport, which has provided 10 million Euros for pilot EV projects in the region. The power… Read more »