Search Results Found For: "doe"

The state of EV charging: more questions than answers

As you may have guessed, we at Charged believe that electricity is the best way to power our vehicles in the post-fossil fuel era. Compared to other contending technologies (biofuels, natural gas, hydrogen), electricity is the most efficient, and our best shot to be truly sustainable. However, there’s a much more immediate reason why automakers… Read more »

We need more energy: Envia Systems’ 400 Wh/kg Li-ion cells

Envia Systems crushed the record for energy density of an automotive rechargeable Li-ion battery at 400Wh/kg. Now all the small start-up has to do is partner with everybody, become the industry standard, and change the world.  Most of us know the public library as a place to get some free Wi-Fi, meet up with people for… Read more »

New tools for new tech: servicing battery powered vehicles

News flash: EVs will suffer from manufacturing defects at approximately the same rate as their gas-fueled cousins. You can Six Sigma processes until you’re blue in the face, but machines designed and built by us mere mortals will always find a new way to break unexpectedly. So what happens when they do?  If the issue… Read more »

The fleet footed survive: VIA Motors electrifies trucks, vans and SUVs

On the strength of a shrewd business plan and ties to GM, VIA Motors plans to jump-start the electric transition through the back door of America’s service vehicles. Its E-REV pickup trucks and vans prove that you can have your fuel efficiency and costs savings, too.  Everyone should want an EV. They’re more efficient than… Read more »

It all adds up: extending EV range through efficiency increases

Want to increase the range of your EV without adding capacity to the costly battery pack? Optimize. In parallel with global research efforts to improve the power density of batteries, many are looking for new ways to use less energy per mile.   Mitsubishi’s New Motor Mitsubishi Electric is hard at work redefining what a… Read more »